
Sheep's Milk Cheese - The Authentic Flavor Direct from Spain

Posted by Tienda Delicias de España on May 12th 2015

Sheep's Milk Cheese - The Authentic Flavor Direct from Spain

Traditional, exquisite and unique cheese made from sheep's milk is a national heritage which has an ancient history. It’s a D.O. certified cheese, which is the Spanish version of the AOC; the cheese must be made entirely of milk from the Manchega breed of sheep. It has been produced for thousands of years on the Iberian Peninsula, using the same production method the whole time achieving consistency and guarantee a unique flavor. Sheep cheeses can be tender, semi-cured and cured.

Tradicional , Exquisito y Unico el Queso elaborado con leche de Oveja es un patrimonio nacional que cuenta con una historia milenaria. Un queso certificado con denominación de origen como es el queso Manchego (La Mancha) elaborado con leche the oveja manchega en su totalidad y siguiendo los mismo métodos por generaciones logrando una consistencia y garantía de un sabor único. Los quesos de ovejas pueden ser tiernos, curados y semi-curados. D.O. Spanish version of the AOC. Manchego D.O.(La Mancha), Idiazabal, El Roncal (Navarra) 

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